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Doyle library at Santa Rosa Junior College.

A President's Advisory Committee

​Committee Chair​​

Dean of STEM (co-chair)

President, Academic Senate (co-chair)

​Meeting Schedule​​

​​As needed (especially in the Fall semester)​

​​Committee Function​

To develop a priority listing of regular faculty positions for consideration for the coming academic year.

​Committee Structure​

​4 Administrators
4 Faculty
Membership Total: 8
1 ex-officio from Human Resources

​​Committee Roster​

​Name ​Type ​Name ​Type
Victor Tam (co-chair) ​A* Steven Kessler ​F
Tammy Sakanashi A* Michael Traina
Vanessa Luna Shannon A* John Stover (co-chair) F*
​Kim Starke ​A* VACANT ​Ex
Monica Ohkubo F

 *Permanent Member by Position:
  • Dean, Academic Affairs, General Education (co-chair)
  • Dean, Academic Affairs, Career Education
  • Dean, Academic Affairs, Petaluma Campus
  • President, Academic Senate (co-chair)
  • Human Resources Representative (ex-officio)
  • Dean, Student Service​​s, Counseling

​​Committee Roster Legend​​

Type​ ​Description
A Administration​
F Faculty
C Classified
S Student
P Public​

​​Faculty Staffing Documents​

Folder: Narrative SummariesNarrative Summaries
1. Review of Materials and Cluster Submission List 2020 - FINAL.pdf1. Review of Materials and Cluster Submission List 2020 - FINAL
2. Faculty Staffing Timeline for 2020-21 - FINAL.pdf2. Faculty Staffing Timeline for 2020-21 - FINAL
3. Cluster Deans Prioritized Staffing Requests Form 2020 - FINAL.docx3. Cluster Deans Prioritized Staffing Requests Form 2020 - FINAL
4. Guidelines for Evaluation of Faculty Staffing Requests 2020 - FINAL.pdf4. Guidelines for Evaluation of Faculty Staffing Requests 2020 - FINAL
5. FS Evaluation Rubric 2020.pdf5. FS Evaluation Rubric 2020
6. Faculty Staffing Historic Data - FINAL.pdf6. Faculty Staffing Historic Data - FINAL
7. FT PT OL Load - Fall 2018.pdf7. FT PT OL Load - Fall 2018
7. FT PT OL Load - Fall 2019.pdf7. FT PT OL Load - Fall 2019
7. FT PT OL Load - Fall 2020.pdf7. FT PT OL Load - Fall 2020
7. FT PT OL Load - Spring 2019.pdf7. FT PT OL Load - Spring 2019
7. FT PT OL Load - Spring 2020.pdf7. FT PT OL Load - Spring 2020