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Santa Rosa Junior College.

A Standing Committee

​​​Committee Chair​

Vice President, Student Services

​Meeting Schedule​​​

Meets once each Spring and as needed

​​​Committee Function​

Purpose of this committee is to screen, interview and select the graduation speakers for the commencement exercises at the end of each school year.


​​​Committee Structure​

​2 Administrators
2 Faculty
2 Classified
2 Students
Membership Total: 8

​Committee Roster​​

​Name ​Type ​Name ​Type
Molly Senecal ​A* Bridget C. Hodenfeild C
Sarah Pew ​A* Simona Stefanescu ​C
Jason Trevino F
Angelica Barraza Tran F
* Permanent Member by Position:
  • ​​Vice President, Student Services (Chair)
  • Director, District and community Relations
  • One faculty member must be a Forensics instructor​

​​Committee Roster Legend​

Type​ ​Description
​A Administration
​F Faculty
C Classified
​S Student
​P Public​

​​​Other Committee Documents​

2014 Grad Speaker Timeline.pdf2014 Grad Speaker Timeline
2015 Grad Speaker Timeline.pdf2015 Grad Speaker Timeline
2016 Grad Speaker Timeline.pdf2016 Grad Speaker Timeline
2017 Grad Speaker Timeline.pdf2017 Grad Speaker Timeline