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Doyle library at Santa Rosa Junior College.

A Standing Committee

​​Committee Chair​

​​Co-Chairs: Dean, appointed by Sr. VP of Academic Affairs; Faculty member elected by the committee

​​​Meeting Schedule​

​​2nd Friday each month
8:30am -10:00am

​​​​Committee Function​

​Advise the District in matters regarding curriculum, location and faculty selection for semester-length and summer study abroad programs. Lead faculty and student recruitment efforts. Plan and implement a long-range vision for study abroad opportunities for SRJC students, faculty and community.


​​​Committee Structure​

​2 Administrators
6 Faculty
2 Students

Membership Total: 10

​​Committee Roster​

​Name ​Type ​Name ​Type
Kerry Loewen (co-chair) ​A* Kent Wisniewski ​F
Kim Starke A Margaret Grayson (co-chair) F
Rima DasGupta F Miguel Ramon F

Bita Bookman

Kirsten Swinstrom F


* Permanent Member by Position:
  • ​​Dean, appointed by Sr. Vice President of Academic Affairs (Co-Chair)

​​​Committee Roster Legend​

Type​ ​Description
A​ Administration​
​F​ Faculty
​C Classified
S Student
P Public​

​​​​​Committee Agendas

​​​​Committee Minutes

​​Other Committee Documents​