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Santa Rosa Junior College

A Standing Committee

​​​Committee Chair​

Dean, Career and Technical Education & Economic Development (co-chair)
President, Academic Senate (co-chair)

​​​​Meeting Schedule

​​As needed (especially in the Fall semester)

​Committee Function

​The District Accessibility Committee is established to:

1. Assist the District in interpretation of and compliance with Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and other related laws and regulations.
2. Identify and recommend to the District the removal of any architectural, equipment, and/or program barriers for persons with disabilities.
3. Develop and recommend District policy to ensure the prevention of future architectural, equipment and/or program barriers for persons with disabilities.
4. Develop and maintain District procedures that ensure the prevention of architectural, equipment and/or program barriers for persons with disabilities.
5. Conduct regular assessment of accessibility of District facilities, programs and technology for the ADA and Section 508 Transition Plans. 6. Review and monitor progress toward the removal of identified barriers documented in the ADA and Section 508 Transition Plans.
7. Develop a District evacuation plan for persons with disabilities and conduct regular trainings for staff and faculty.
8. Promote the knowledge and understanding of accessibility. ​​

​​​​Committee Structure

4 Administrator
4 Faculty
1 ex-officio from Human Resources

Membership Total: 8

​​​Committee Roster

​Name ​Type ​Name ​Type
Kris Abrahamson ​A* Monica Ohkubo ​F
Marty Lee A* ​Eric Thompson (Co-Chair) F
Jerry Miller (Co-Chair) A* Tammy Sakanashi F
​​​Catherine Williams A* Sarah Hopkins Ex
* Permanent Member by Position:
  • Dean, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Dean, Counseling and Special Programs
  • Dean, Career & Technical Education & Economic Development (co-chair)
  • Dean, Petaluma Campus
  • President, Academic Senate (co-chair)
  • Human Resources representative (ex-officio)

​​​​Committee Roster Legend​

Type​ ​Description
A​ Administration​
​F ​Faculty
​Ex ​Ex-Officio

​​​​Committee Agendas

​​​​​Committee Minutes

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​​​​Other Committee Documents

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