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Having Problems Lo​gging In?

Most pages on SharePoint require you to enter your login credentials. If you are reading this page, the web server is having trouble understanding the username and password you entered.

If the server did not accept the username and password you originally entered, please try these steps:

  1. Go back to the page you were trying to open. You should be prompted for your username and password again, like below:


  2. Enter your username in this format: username@ad.santarosa.edu. For example, if my name was John Smith, and my email address was jsmith@santarosa.edu, you would enter jsmith@ad.santarosa.edu as your username

  3. Enter your password in the password field. This is the same password you use to log onto your computer, or to check your email. Remember that your password is case sensitive (password is not the same as PassWOrd, etc.)

If you continue to have problems logging on, please contact our help desk at help@santarosa.edu​. Be sure to have the type of computer you're using (Mac, PC, etc.), your Operating system (Windows XP, OSX 10.5, etc.) and the browser you're using (Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.) available