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Santa Rosa Junior College

A Standing Committee

An Academic Senate Consultation Committee

​​​​Committee Chair

Director of Distance Education is Co-Chair by position. Faculty Co-Chair is elected with a two-year appointment.

​Meeting Schedule​

2nd Wednesday each month, 1:00-3​:00pm

​​Committee Function​

  1. Promote the knowledge and understanding of Distance Education across the District.
  2. Provide a forum for the discussion of and assisting with online issues related to curriculum development, faculty training, and faculty support.
  3. Conduct regular assessment to determine online learning needs.
  4. Develop and recommend District policy and procedures in the area of online learning.
  5. Maintain a set of best practice recommendations for online instruction.
  6. Provide input on the Online Learning website. 
  7. Provide advice as requested on matters related to online instruction.
  8. Consult with the Educational Planning & Coordinating Council (EPCC) on matters related to online instruction.

​​​Committee Structure

3 Administrators
7-9 Faculty (6-8 Senate; 1 AFA); from at least 5 different disciplines
2-3 Classified
1-2 Students
1 Ex-Officio Classified - from Student Services
2 Ex-Officio Administrators - from Instructional Computing, and Student Success and Counselling
Faculty appointments are for 2-year staggered terms.

Membership Total: 16-20

​​​​Committee Roster

​Type ​Name
Mary-Catherine Oxford ​A* David Harden
​Lisa Beach
​A** Jordan Bell ​F
Kerry Loewen
​A  Andrea Alvarado ​F
Lauren Mitchell       ​C     
Michael McKeever ​F
Paul DeMartini  ​C
Mai Nazif​
​Kyle Walstrum

​Tara Jacobson**

​Rocio Jimenez ​S Ethan Wilde
Delalshay Carmona Benson ​S Noelle Lavoie ​F

Jurgen Kremer ​F**
​Kim Starke
​Ex ​Mike Roth 

* Permanent Members by Position:
  • ​​Dean, Learning Resources and Educational Technology
  • Director, Distance Education (Co-chair)
  • Inst Computing  (Ex Officio)
  • Student Success and Counseling (Ex Officio)
** Committee Co-Chair​

​​​​Committee Roster Legend

Type​ ​Description
A​ Administration
F​ Faculty
C Classified
S Student
P​ Public​​​​​​

​​​​Committee Agendas

DOC Agenda 2-12-25.pdf
DOC Agenda 2-12-25
DOC Agenda 12-11-24.pdf
DOC Agenda 12-11-24
DOC Agenda 11-13-24.pdf
DOC Agenda 11-13-24
DOC Agenda 10-9-24.pdf
DOC Agenda 10-9-24
DOC Agenda 9-11-24.pdf
DOC Agenda 9-11-24
DOC Agenda 5-8-24.pdf
DOC Agenda 5-8-24
DOC Agenda 4-10-24.pdf
DOC Agenda 4-10-24
DOC Agenda 3-13-24.pdf
DOC Agenda 3-13-24
DOC Agenda 2-14-2024.pdf
DOC Agenda 2-14-2024
DOC Agenda 12-13-2023.pdf
DOC Agenda 12-13-2023
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​​​​Committee Minutes

DOC Notes 12-11-24.pdf
DOC Notes 12-11-24
DOC Notes 11-13-24.pdf
DOC Notes 11-13-24
DOC Notes 10-9-24.pdf
DOC Notes 10-9-24
DOC Notes 9-11-24.pdf
DOC Notes 9-11-24
DOC Minutes 5-8-24.pdf
DOC Minutes 5-8-24
DOC Notes 4-10-24.pdf
DOC Notes 4-10-24
DOC Notes 3-13-24.pdf
DOC Notes 3-13-24
DOC Notes 2-14-2024.pdf
DOC Notes 2-14-2024
DOC Notes 12-13-2023.pdf
DOC Notes 12-13-2023
DOC Minutes 11-8-2023.pdf
DOC Minutes 11-8-2023
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​​Other Committee Documents​

Resolution for additional DE staffing.pdfResolution for additional DE staffing3/10/2021
DOC recommendations for an Instructional Continuity Plan.pdfDOC recommendations for an Instructional Continuity Plan3/12/2020
Academic Senate OEI letter.pdfAcademic Senate OEI letter5/8/2019
SRJC DE Strategic Plan 2018.pdfSRJC DE Strategic Plan 201810/25/2018
ACCJC Accreditation Standards Changes for DE.pdfACCJC Accreditation Standards Changes for DE2/8/2017
Fall 14 Online Student Survey Results.pdfFall 14 Online Student Survey Results1/6/2016
SRJC External Evaluation Visit Team Report_2015.pdfSRJC External Evaluation Visit Team Report_20159/9/2015
DOC Strategic Plan Brainstorming 02-03-12 - Retreat.pdfDOC Strategic Plan Brainstorming 02-03-12 - Retreat2/3/2012
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