Santa Rosa Junior College > Committees
This site is the central repository for all Santa Rosa Junior College Committees
ComMeetingCalendar 17-18 Clean KN.pdf
3/28/2018 1:05 PM
Participatory_Governance_Organization_Chart 9-10-15.pdf
9/10/2015 2:00 PM
Policy 2.1-Development and Adoption of District Policies.pdf
9/8/2014 10:39 AM
Policy 2.5 - Governance and the Committee System.pdf
9/8/2014 10:40 AM
Procedure 2.1P-Procedures for Developing and Revising District Policy and Procedures.pdf
9/8/2014 10:40 AM
Procedure 2.5P - Governance and the Committee System.pdf
9/8/2014 10:42 AM

 All Committees

For Rosters, Minutes, Agendas and other information, please click on the link of the individual committee

Board of​ Trust​​​​ees

Board of Trustees Comm​ittees
